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Monday, November 13, 2006

Please Explain This To Me; Has Anyone Got Any Drugs?

Now Greg Bishop’s OK. Great Benne book, seems like an OK guy.

He put this up on his blog last week:

Funniest thing I've seen in months

It’s a cartoon. If Greg is to be believed, I wouldn’t be able to carry on breathing while watching this.

So I watched it.

I can only assume that in order to find this as funny as Bish did, you need to be in a motel room “with a friend” and out of it.

If I’ve missed the point, somebody please tell me.


  • At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think they left out the part about smoking a whole lot of whacky tobaccy before watching it....

  • At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Eh. It's produced by Mike Judge so that in itself made it worth my while to watch because I was a combination of Beavis and Butthead not too long ago, but of course, I've matured completely.

    I'm not LOLing away at this cartoon Bishop has up though.

    I noticed Bishop's icon --a Kelly-Hopkinsville alien. Whoopdefuckindoo. I see freakier creatures at the group home I work at.


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