Arthur Spits Some Spunk
The Beast of UFO UpDates returns again, sadly. This very lame excuse for a functioning human being, devoid of anything remotely relating to social skills or class, popped up to respond, not surprisingly, to a posting from the Village Idiot. Some strange magnetic attraction perhaps? What The Idiot had to say was irrelevant (what’s new!) but it’s the sheer crappy stupidity of what the Beast says in reply that brings me to the conclusion that he is a prime, first class twonker.
Bottom line is that the online crowd may be "sane and rational" (which is disputable) but you do not have Nobel Prize winning scientists, not a single one, online 24/7 discussing UFO's and trying to solve the mystery, despite as you say the "diversity of sciences" required by the UFO subject.
Renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku is favorably disposed to the UFO subject as he stated in his ABC Peter Jennings interview yet he would not be caught dead on UFO UpDates or other Web forums on UFOs. Think about why these forums and web-based media outlets are so avoided by Nobel-caliber scientists.
Besides the "flaming" and the unrestrained, unpoliced postings by the insane and irrational (contra your "sane and rational") there is also the factor that the level of discourse is so low that such renowned scientists would have to reinvent the wheel every day, repeating themselves endlessly, proving the same points year after year because the points do not "stick" the first time. No one reads the fundamental textbooks before spouting off their ignorant nonsense in these Web forums.
Then there is the anti-intellectualism which prides itself in the UFO world as not needing the despised "science", the "scientific method", and scientists, that amateur methods are all that is needed to solve the UFO mystery.
He moans about “flaming”. Reprobative hypocrite: seen this guy go? Seen how progressively with each posting, as he pursues you he becomes more and more abusive, rising to a crescendo of dribble so that he can barely spit the words out?
And there’s more; the basic implication that everyone on the List is stupid and an amateur. Of course we are compared to you Bradley, you fine, upstanding specimen of ridiculousness. I don’t know about you but I have found as I have read his shite over the years that I get to wondering more and more about his private life. I conclude that what he is, is a classic case of some dworker who’s got himself divorced and who’s life is a pile of poo, and as such, he has withdrawn from any meaningful contact with other human beings and sits at his fucking computer every waking moment he’s got, hating absolutely everybody and everything and satisfying himself that he’s above the lot of us as he cybernetically communicates with his Vallee’s and Kaku’s and probably Hawking’s as well.
I don’t follow his logic either about the science thing. Science has had a look. It found some things of interest and questions that needed answering. It couldn’t go any further than that. What fuckwits like him want is for science to descend en masse and to do nothing else until he and his fellow chipmunks are happy. That is never going to happen because the subject isn’t that important and as has been said elsewhere, there ain’t no money in it. And neither will they suck seed anyway, and they know it.
And yet, despite what a shocking place that Updates List is, he cannot stay away. Puleeze. Another one to be taken out and shot. There is simply nothing remotely likable or warm about this man what so everl.
But there was some joy on UpDates today, some nachas. Despite my best efforts, Regan has posted again on the List and unlike the fuckwit before, a posting from the fragrant one is always a welcome gift on a gloomy day. She is a brave lady who is slowly but surely developing a pair on her. She should be applauded for her courage in the face of adversity, namely a retard like me. However, there are some concerns.
Interesting points Eleanor about the exopolitics movement. I've bounced around that topic for awhile; it seems like a good thing, well-meaning anyway. On the other hand, spending (er,wasting?) time on how to deal with ET assumes that there are ETs, and, that we'd know enough about them ("culture," etc) to interact productively. (It also assumes the government would allow "the folk" to get away with it. )It has veered off into Space Brother stuff. Because of that, a lot of investigators, researchers have ignored exopolitics. It's become pretty sillyto a lot of people.
I think we should keep going regarding efforts to get the government to release documents, etc. but at the same time I have that dollop of pessimism, and paranoia, even, that for everything released, there's a whole lot still hidden away. And even if they trotted out a flying saucer on CNN and world leaders somberly told us that this is a craft with outer space beings inside, I still wouldn't believe. Not all of it, anyway.
Still, despite that, I think working towards the release of information on UFOs from as many sources as possible is a good thing.
Firstly, notice she questions the reality of ET. Regan, you saucy cow; you are either one of us or you ain’t. Now I know you wouldn’t want to be one of us, but you know what I mean. I’m talking philosophically here. You’re either a complete fruit loop like the rest of us or you ain’t. WE BELIEVE!! If you don’t then there ain’t no place for you in proper blogland.
There are also concerns about the meaning of what you said. It can be summed up as follows: I want the government to release all their UFO secrets. When they do, I won’t believe them but I still want them to do it. Please. For God’s sake you silly woman, read what you’ve written before you send it out for public consumption. Moron.
And thirdly, I don’t think giving it out for sisterly empathy is a good enough reason to reply to a posting from Eleanor White. You don’t want to get too drawn in there. With Elly, there are only two conclusions you can infer:
Either Eleanor is right about what she says goes on with her friends and acquaintances and indeed herself, in which case then the world is a truly frightening place, OR Eleanor is simply completely and utterly mad and manages to conceal this by being able to write postings in a moderately “together” manner. Which is it? I know which one I go for.
And finally on a more serious note, notice Regan’s opening line about “bouncing around”. Are you bragging again sweetie? Just how large are you anyway dear? And do you have to flaunt it to a woman who may well be flat chested? Class, dahling, class.
Bottom line is that the online crowd may be "sane and rational" (which is disputable) but you do not have Nobel Prize winning scientists, not a single one, online 24/7 discussing UFO's and trying to solve the mystery, despite as you say the "diversity of sciences" required by the UFO subject.
Renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku is favorably disposed to the UFO subject as he stated in his ABC Peter Jennings interview yet he would not be caught dead on UFO UpDates or other Web forums on UFOs. Think about why these forums and web-based media outlets are so avoided by Nobel-caliber scientists.
Besides the "flaming" and the unrestrained, unpoliced postings by the insane and irrational (contra your "sane and rational") there is also the factor that the level of discourse is so low that such renowned scientists would have to reinvent the wheel every day, repeating themselves endlessly, proving the same points year after year because the points do not "stick" the first time. No one reads the fundamental textbooks before spouting off their ignorant nonsense in these Web forums.
Then there is the anti-intellectualism which prides itself in the UFO world as not needing the despised "science", the "scientific method", and scientists, that amateur methods are all that is needed to solve the UFO mystery.
He moans about “flaming”. Reprobative hypocrite: seen this guy go? Seen how progressively with each posting, as he pursues you he becomes more and more abusive, rising to a crescendo of dribble so that he can barely spit the words out?
And there’s more; the basic implication that everyone on the List is stupid and an amateur. Of course we are compared to you Bradley, you fine, upstanding specimen of ridiculousness. I don’t know about you but I have found as I have read his shite over the years that I get to wondering more and more about his private life. I conclude that what he is, is a classic case of some dworker who’s got himself divorced and who’s life is a pile of poo, and as such, he has withdrawn from any meaningful contact with other human beings and sits at his fucking computer every waking moment he’s got, hating absolutely everybody and everything and satisfying himself that he’s above the lot of us as he cybernetically communicates with his Vallee’s and Kaku’s and probably Hawking’s as well.
I don’t follow his logic either about the science thing. Science has had a look. It found some things of interest and questions that needed answering. It couldn’t go any further than that. What fuckwits like him want is for science to descend en masse and to do nothing else until he and his fellow chipmunks are happy. That is never going to happen because the subject isn’t that important and as has been said elsewhere, there ain’t no money in it. And neither will they suck seed anyway, and they know it.
And yet, despite what a shocking place that Updates List is, he cannot stay away. Puleeze. Another one to be taken out and shot. There is simply nothing remotely likable or warm about this man what so everl.
But there was some joy on UpDates today, some nachas. Despite my best efforts, Regan has posted again on the List and unlike the fuckwit before, a posting from the fragrant one is always a welcome gift on a gloomy day. She is a brave lady who is slowly but surely developing a pair on her. She should be applauded for her courage in the face of adversity, namely a retard like me. However, there are some concerns.
Interesting points Eleanor about the exopolitics movement. I've bounced around that topic for awhile; it seems like a good thing, well-meaning anyway. On the other hand, spending (er,wasting?) time on how to deal with ET assumes that there are ETs, and, that we'd know enough about them ("culture," etc) to interact productively. (It also assumes the government would allow "the folk" to get away with it. )It has veered off into Space Brother stuff. Because of that, a lot of investigators, researchers have ignored exopolitics. It's become pretty sillyto a lot of people.
I think we should keep going regarding efforts to get the government to release documents, etc. but at the same time I have that dollop of pessimism, and paranoia, even, that for everything released, there's a whole lot still hidden away. And even if they trotted out a flying saucer on CNN and world leaders somberly told us that this is a craft with outer space beings inside, I still wouldn't believe. Not all of it, anyway.
Still, despite that, I think working towards the release of information on UFOs from as many sources as possible is a good thing.
Firstly, notice she questions the reality of ET. Regan, you saucy cow; you are either one of us or you ain’t. Now I know you wouldn’t want to be one of us, but you know what I mean. I’m talking philosophically here. You’re either a complete fruit loop like the rest of us or you ain’t. WE BELIEVE!! If you don’t then there ain’t no place for you in proper blogland.
There are also concerns about the meaning of what you said. It can be summed up as follows: I want the government to release all their UFO secrets. When they do, I won’t believe them but I still want them to do it. Please. For God’s sake you silly woman, read what you’ve written before you send it out for public consumption. Moron.
And thirdly, I don’t think giving it out for sisterly empathy is a good enough reason to reply to a posting from Eleanor White. You don’t want to get too drawn in there. With Elly, there are only two conclusions you can infer:
Either Eleanor is right about what she says goes on with her friends and acquaintances and indeed herself, in which case then the world is a truly frightening place, OR Eleanor is simply completely and utterly mad and manages to conceal this by being able to write postings in a moderately “together” manner. Which is it? I know which one I go for.
And finally on a more serious note, notice Regan’s opening line about “bouncing around”. Are you bragging again sweetie? Just how large are you anyway dear? And do you have to flaunt it to a woman who may well be flat chested? Class, dahling, class.
At 5:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ray-gun wrote:
at the same time I have that dollop of pessimism, and paranoia, even, that for everything released, there's a whole lot still hidden away.
This is the crux of the pathology. It's an infinitely iterating loop. Once you assume that the government knows everything about UFOs, and is covering up what it knows, then each release of information, with or without blacked-out sections, shouts that there is probably more out there.
There are only two ways that this loop will stop iterating:
1.) If the conspiracists get exactly what they believe is out there - a complete and unabridged history of all that the world's governments know about UFOs, namely: alien-gray pacts, underground bases, black helicopters, cattle mutes, government sanctioned abductions, alien technology incorporated in blackberries and X-box, why they are here, what they want, and just why they want to eat our fucking brains and bugger our grandmothers, etc., etc.,oO
2.) If the conspiracy theorists voluntarily pull their heads out of their arses and use their brains for something other than incessant, noisome mental masturbation.
Know thyself, Ray-gun. When you understand where you're lacking in the common-sense and general wisdom department, and learn to shut up and listen to those who know more than you, then you'll be on the road to true understanding.
At the same time, I realize that you're incapable of such. The inability to admit that one doesn't know shit from shoe-polish is endemic to the 21st century ufologist, as it was to the 20th century ufologist, and is probably an intractable problem.
At 8:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why doesn't "Regan Lee" use her true name, as other UFO Updates posters do? Maybe a police record?
At 6:43 AM,
The Odd Emperor said…
"Either Eleanor is right about what she says goes on with her friends and acquaintances and indeed herself, in which case then the world is a truly frightening place,"
Oh I believe Eleanor implicitly! The world is a very frightening place and someone certainly sabotaged her underwear!
At 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
>OR Eleanor is simply completely and >utterly mad and manages to conceal this >by being able to write postings in a >moderately “together” manner.
Individuals with schizotypal personality disorder often show a higher degree of functionality than is found in classic pyschosis, i.e., full-blown schizophrenia.
Having read Eleanor's posts for years, I think she is a perfect example of a relatively functional schizotypal personality, i.e., she evidences certain classic schizotypal behaviors.At the same time, she appears to have a relatively high native intelligence, which may allow her to, in effect, write coherently about her delusional thinking.
It is important to realize that the following diagnostic criteria are an attempt to "pigeonhole" a specific disorder, which is often a notoriously uncertain process. It is possible to evidence a "schizotypal affect," or to be "schizo-affective," without meeting all the criteria for the disorder.
Schizotypal personality disorder
Schizotypal personality disorder, or simply schizotypal disorder, is a personality disorder that is characterized by a need for social isolation, odd behaviour and thinking, and often unconventional beliefs such as being convinced of having extra sensory abilities.
A mnemonic device that can be used to remember the criteria for schizotypal personality disorder is ME PECULIAR:
* M - magical thinking that influences behavior, superstitiousness or the paranormal
* E - eccentric behavior or appearance
* P - paranoid ideation
* E - experiences unusual perceptions
* C - constricted affect
* U - unusual thinking & speech
* L - lacks friends
* I - ideas of reference
* A - anxiety (socially)
* R - rule out psychotic disorders & pervasive developmental disorder
At 12:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
ME PECULIAR for not only Eleanor, but a few personalities in Blogdom that come to mind : Tonnies [[check on his blogline meltdown]], UFO Bits Regan Lee or whatever she goes by this week and the Duke of Northumberland-Alfred Lehmberg. All possibilities though. No one can diagnose online.
At 6:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
>All possibilities though. No one can >diagnose online.
Meanwhile, these three would never submit to a checkup, from the neck up, and so the song remains the same.
At 6:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
I see a possible pattern amongst researchers and writers on the subject that it's best displayed by Raymond Fowler.
Fowler was always interested in astronony and ufos. He reported on ufo sightings for mufon in Massachusetts. Then he met up with Betty Andreassen and wrote several volumes on her bizarre, convoluted religious-tinged abductions. Then Fowler realized he was a life long abductee himself and that his father and mother were too. They shared there experiences with Fowler that allegedly took place in the 2nd and 3rd decades of the 20 century. So Fowler's whole family, including a brother, ends up being abductees.
Do investigators have fantasy prone personality disorders, or are they in the 'field' because of subconscious memories of abductions or because they investigate people like Betty Andreassen or take your pick of any other abductees with bizarre tales.
I don't know. I'm just riffing on these ideas.
At 12:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Do investigators have fantasy prone personality disorders, or are they in the 'field' because of subconscious memories of abductions or because they investigate people like Betty Andreassen or take your pick of any other abductees with bizarre tales.
Get out the razor. Which is the simpler explanation, the one that requires "adding the least amount of elements?"
1.)Alien beings from another star system have overcome the immense technological barriers to traveling across interstellar distances. Having done so, they have opted to come to earth at velocities near the speed of light (necessitating that their homeworld will be in its own far flung future when they return, due to time-dilation), so as to abduct Momma and Poppa Fowler, little brudder Fowler and Raymond, and do things to their arses, or whatever...
2.) Ray has schizotypal tendencies, is prone to "magickal" forms of thinking in which phantoms appealed to his curiosity more strongly than the non-phantoms of astronomy (he has spent vastly more time chasing down UFOs than he ever spent at the business end of his telescope). In various of his writings - particularly "UFOs - Interplanetary Visitors" - he showed a considerable tendency towards credulity.
It was Fowler that I had in mind, when I wrote, years ago:
"by and by, a UFO investigator becomes offended by the lack of hard evidence, and so he either egresses the field, or he begins to relax he standards as to just what constitutes "evidence." More extreme departures from the "hard-line" lead to even more bizarre beliefs: government coverups, collusion with aliens, and so on...
No one paid attention then, and they're still not paying attention.
Furthermore, I wrote in a review of "The Andreasson Affair," when I was still in college, that Ray's lack of critical thinking was showing again, in regard to the way he reacted when Betty Andreasson, upon "reliving" her experience with the "Phoenix from the Ashes," went on to say that a voice said to her something (I don't recall the exact phrase now) that was patently religious, in the Christian sense. Fowler wrote something along the lines: "Up to this point we had been receiving a completely consistent abduction account, and then Betty came out with this patently Christian sort of stuff..."
I wrote in the review: "Come on Ray - you've just heard the most bizarre tale of your life, which almost no one could accept on blind faith, and you're worrying about this fantastic yarn being compromised because a truism from the "700 club" surfaced in her narrative?" What a load of shit.
Of course, he found a way to rationalize around that. But that's ufology: ignore or rationalize your way around the logical obstacles, so as to "preserve appearances." They did the same thing hundreds of years ago, so as to preserve the earth's position at the center of the universe.
Times have changed, the process and the emotional reasoning behind it are still the same.
At 12:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
The only time Fowler has anything to say on the Proj. 1947 list is when he pops in to try to sell autographed copies of his books. He stays blissfully above it all. As he should, considering that he has enjoyed the rare honor of being butt probed by creatures from beyond the stars
At 2:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm feeling guilty. Maybe I was too strong about Fowler, though I do think he was completely under the influence of the religious wacko Betty Andreassen Luca. But all the points made above by the other posters ring true to me.
I was thinking too that John Mack was another MEPECULIAR abduction researcher. I don't mean to pick on a dead man, but his interest in eastern spirituality colored his "experiencer research".
People raved about his abduction books. I thought they sucked. They were right down there with Richie Boylan and his "star people" and "indigo kids".
Mack's bio on Laurence of Arabia was excellent but his newaged,eastern tinged shit about neurotic "experiencers" was not.
At 12:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm feeling guilty.
I used to feel guilty, too, about coming down so hard on those who were once my "fellow ufologists." Then, one day, I really started to think about it, and I came to the conclusion that the guilt was misplaced. Ufology is in such a sad state because its practicioners have largely rejected criticism, constructive or otherwise, and have bulled on ahead, pulling out all the stops, following an emotional agenda, whether they knew it, or not.
Today, anyone who dissents, for almost any reason, is in immediate danger of being labeled a "debunker." This is how ufology maintains the status quo: when a "self-correcting" mechanism akin to peer-criticism in science attempts to engage, the "faithful" set about to "demonize" the dissenting party by stamping a metaphorical scarlet letter (a "D" in this case) on his/her forehead, and then they engage in various charged rhetoric and ad hominem attacks, to "exorcise the demon" from amongst themselves, so to speak.
Think: how often has this process been observed on the UpDates list, and elsewhere?
If ufology were more like a bonafide hard-science, in the respect of allowing and even welcoming criticism, things might be very different today. Years ago, when the venerable but nevertheless loose-minded Keyhoe "surmised reasons for the Air Force's actions and then treated them as fact," the collective would have kicked his ass up between his shoulderblades, where it belonged. Frank Edwards, author of that piece of bestselling garbage, "UFOs: Serious Business," would have been ripped to shreds for lousy scholarship and loose thinking. The same fate would have awaited those who rejected traditional, time-honored and tested scientific evidential standards, and began to promote lesser evidential standards as "science." Likewise, today, in 2006, Stan Friedman's charisma and Linda Moulton Howe's (who drew accolades at the recent UFO crash retrieval conference, and who simultaneously occupies a seat in the UFO Hall of shame for supporting the Olievera fraud) sensationalism would not carry them nearly so far as it has.
As for Mack, he was as prone to magickal thinking as were those occupying his stable of abductees. The reason he stands out so clearly is because he was more vocal about his emotional agenda - most ufologists simply deny that they have an emotional agenda, at all. Methinks, if they didn't have an emotional agenda, they wouldn't be ufologists, period. Because it's a thankless fucking business, pro-bono for all but a few who have staked out a piece of ufological territory (generally sensational), cultivated it for years with ceaseless rhetoric and innuendo and precious little hard evidence, to the point where the media (the really big winners, here) can draw on them as "experts" in History Channel "UFO documentaries," and to the point where credulous and disaffected people who are bored with manifest reality will pay them good money to turn fantastic hearsay into a "potential reality." Anything goes in these venues - at the recent UFO crash retrieval conference, Stan Friedman appeared back to back with Michael Salla. Meanwhile, go pull ten or twelve names off the UFO Hall of Shame, and you will have 3/4 of the speaking roster for the International UFO Congress.
Alongside all of this, "respected" ufological journals such as IUR have been in danger of going tits up, off and on, for the past several years. Whether that's changed, I don't know,because I wouldn't subscribe to the rag that its become, but I do note that despite Rodeigher's one-time conclusion that Dave Jacobs does indeed lead his subjects, you can still find articles like "The Meaning of Hybrid-Abductee Play" in IUR, sandwiched between less sensational stuff. Could that have something to do with an ongoing amicable relationship between Jerome Clark and Jacobs? After all, it's pretty obvious that Clark will endorse any old thing that he might one day get a book out of, even if it is only a coffee-table/bathroom reader.
What could have been a very different kind of study has been converted into a circus and media sideshow - and "scientific ufology" was a pipe-dream that was relegated to the charnal house, years ago. As one highly respected, critical-minded UFO researcher (who has now drawn into the background, and once even announced that he was leaving ufology, and only remained because others pleaded with him to do so) said, several years ago: "Serious ufology is dead. The remaining activity we see is just its corpse twitching."
If any of you think otherwise, then perhaps you should take a careful look at yourself, and ask if you might be part of the problem, rather than the solution.
At 12:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Then there is Whitley Streiber. Fruitcake central. The man makes it up and changes it as he goes along.
His The Key was probably the worst {just what was that tiny guy suppose to be - a MIB, a Tulpa thoughtform?] followed by that schlock he did with intellectually challenged but always ready to make money Art Bell- The Coming Global Superstorm, then the worse I think - The Grays.
Those trash books made his earlier horror novels and 'true' alien "visitor" autobios seem almost respectable. . . . almost.
Fuck em all.
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