It’s Halloween, Nearly A Full Moon, So The UpDates Beast Is Back
Be very afraid. He has been lurking in the forestry of the sidelines, hidden, silent, watching, alert to the opportunity to pounce once more. His pickings have been lean for a while but his presence has never been in doubt. There have been far away sightings on other Lists, there has even been the trace of droppings on 1947. But his victim on UpDates must be right. He must be someone seen as lacking Ufological weight, who makes what the Beast considers to be an unsubstantiable statement or claim. The Beast will weigh it up and if he thinks he can make a meal out of it, he will pounce without mercy.
Keep children in doors and if you are member of the Updates mailing list, then keep silent for a few days, until he passes and goes looking for a meal elsewhere. Brad Sparks is back.
If he catches you, he will rip your Ufological lungs right out and eviscerate the rest of you, until you’re nothing but a pile of steaming gizzards and innards being fed upon by carrion carnivores. While the rest of the List stand around, embarrassed and uncomfortable but too cowardly to get involved unless he turns on them…………….
Geoff, you’re a dead man.
Keep children in doors and if you are member of the Updates mailing list, then keep silent for a few days, until he passes and goes looking for a meal elsewhere. Brad Sparks is back.
If he catches you, he will rip your Ufological lungs right out and eviscerate the rest of you, until you’re nothing but a pile of steaming gizzards and innards being fed upon by carrion carnivores. While the rest of the List stand around, embarrassed and uncomfortable but too cowardly to get involved unless he turns on them…………….
Geoff, you’re a dead man.
At 3:39 PM,
Alfred Lehmberg said…
Comment on your poetry below...
Sincerely, I was distinctly underwhelmed, decidedly, with regard to "how it's done," with "skill and flare..." but so described as poetry you'd done.
A light ass-kicking by any measure. No sack. Did Biddy do it?
>> AVG Blog --
>>> U F O M a g a z i n e --
At 2:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Alfred - What's that pictorial dirty business all about on your latest blog entry!?
I can actually see the penis and pubes in your homoerotic homage to what?-Your latest alien abduction I assume.
And people wonder why Ufology isn't taken seriously.
At 10:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
It’s...nearly A Full Moon
Sunday, the 29th, is first quarter. Only halfway there.
At 7:56 AM,
Arthur said…
Hello Anonymole
Nice to see you.
I'd like to say you've put your finger on it but that would be rude. It's true; even my own appendage has had to be hit with a spoon more than once as its reared itself in response to the puby bits on Alfred's blog. But Nonny, we are distracted by the petty and the immature. There is a deeper meaning here. Ignore the man's "magnificence" and see his pain, his self loathing and his desire for punishment. He has made himself vulnerable so that he may be chastised for his sins. That man is symbolically Alfred, asking for forgiveness for his partaking in an act of animal barbarity.
And so Alfred, by the power invested in me, I command thee to rise up off thine knees while I annoint thee with this balsm of purity, restored upon they person for thy service unto God and Country and to Mankind. For thy purity of heart and of soul is upon thee once more and your sin is not a sin but a transgression brought upon thee by thy circumstance.
Fear not Alf; the gates of heaven await thee. Thy entry down below is barred.
At 8:56 AM,
Arthur said…
Please accept my apologies for my rudeness! Welcome to our blog and our place of whoreship. It is alway nice to see a new face though I'm sure you understand that's a figure of speech and I can't really see your face. I have to say that because some of the people that come here are really stupid and take things I say literally.
So, what do you think of Alfred's peniserama tribute? Is there a place for filth like this in Ufology? We think there is. Filth is a perjorative term for sex and......, shit, where's that spoon. My appendage again. Down foul beast, down.
At 5:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Arthur said...
>So, what do you think of Alfred's peniserama tribute? Is there a place for filth like this in Ufology?
Didn't that dirty Villas Boas man engage in dirty extra-species coitus with that miniature (albeit "perfectly-formed") alien temptress with the burning bush? I think the only reason that didn't catch on is because of a stifled 50s sexuality that only found expression in underground publications with names like "Ooh-La-La." If Villas Boas had sat on his story until the late 60s, after the debut of Penthouse magazine, Bob Guccione would have surely picked it up and made Villas Boas into an instant celebrity. Later, as Guccione expanded his publication empire, Villas Boas could have penned a column for Omni. Who knows - maybe even a role in Caligula, if he was well-endowed enough. Or a talk show: Late Night, With Antonio Villas Boas
We have the sordid tale of Richard Boylan, as well...and heaven only knows what's going on during his "star kids retreats," but, well...we won't go there.
I also heard a rumour, recently, about a certain abductologist boinking one of his abductees...but that's not really surprising. I mean, pimps draw girls out of their stables to satisfy their needs, from time to time.
But getting back to your question. The standard ufological fare is getting stale. It needs to be spiced up with some good, old-fashioned S.M.U.T. Stuff like: "I thought I was abducted by aliens, but it was just my grandfather, and he has stinky fingers..." Or the converse, "I thought I was buggered by my grandaddy, but it was really the aliens, and they smell like cheese..." The extra-species bit is an added element of could lead to a whole new kind of fetish: "extraphilia," or "alienophiles." (put on those Spock-ears baby, and then use me all night...)
Larry Niven once said, "If it's got a hole, humans will try to fuck it."
Personally, being straight as an arrow, I can do without the homo-erotic stuff such as Alfred posted. And guess what? I'm not even going to qualify if I'm a homophobe, or not! I will only say, in closing:
Whatever happened to Fae Ray,
that delicate satin-draped frame?
As it clung to her thigh...
I started to cry...
Because I wanted to be
Dressed just the same...
At 10:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
And so Alfred, by the power invested in me, I command thee to rise up off thine knees while I annoint thee with this balsm of purity, restored upon they person for thy service unto God and Country and to Mankind. For thy purity of heart and of soul is upon thee once more and your sin is not a sin but a transgression brought upon thee by thy circumstance.
Arthur- You are a bigger man that I. You've given Alfred divine forgiveness as you stand the stead for Christ Jesus! Just like the way my Lutheran pastor used to do at the end of the Sunday service.
Could that homoerotic photo be of Alfred, taken many years ago? It doesn't really compare to how Alfred looks now though- like a crotchety old sasquatch. And the man in the photo seemed darker, like a -wetback,pakistani,persian or camel jockey[these are key slurs which will enrage Alfred], but he won't give in and let me know it. I think Alfred's one of those white bread WASP types; not the dark, oily dude who's showing off his pubes and penis . I wonder if Alfred could have been the photographer, in some sort of bizarre re-enactment of his alien abductions or his dope-hazed days in Nam which he then tweeks into the crucifixion pose?
diogenes Didn't that dirty Villas Boas man engage in dirty extra-species coitus with that miniature (albeit "perfectly-formed") alien temptress with the burning bush? /snip/
We have the sordid tale of Richard Boylan, as well...and heaven only knows what's going on during his "star kids retreats," but, well...we won't go there.
Diogenes, welcome! Yes, her alien bush was bright beet red!! Her under arm hair too! But, her head-hair wasn't [bummer]. I use to date a redhead who was red from top to bottom, even her eyelashes and the hair on her toes were red[those red-haired toes were kind of a turn off if I looked too long]. She wasn't even Alien or Irish.
Oh, hey and that dirty hot-tub Richie Boylan and his starseed kids[ahem] and their mothers who he councels in jacuzzis might be an evil agent for ETs! He doesn't want us to say "aliens" but instead "star people". WTF is up with that?
At 8:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymole wrote:
I wonder if Alfred could have been the photographer, in some sort of bizarre re-enactment of his alien abductions or his dope-hazed days in Nam which he then tweeks into the crucifixion pose?
More subtle forms of torture hadn't worked. Still the young man wouldn't speak.
They burned him in sensitive spots with the glowing coal of a Swisher Sweet. He recoiled in pain, but he didn't speak. They tied a loop of green string around his scrotum, and tightened it by degrees--he flinched in pain, the sweat ran down his naked body, and the acrid miasma of nuoc mam exuding from his pores filled the darkened hut, yet he remained silent. Either he was retarded, or the Viet Kong had trained him very well.
"Take a break," Al, the Captain said. This isn't workin'.
"Yes sir," said Al, glad to be free for a moment of the hideous task at hand. He stepped outside the hut, lit a smoke, and wandered out to the middle of the compound, where the remains of a small fire still burned in a makeshift pit. He sighed, and looked up at the sky. They were there, the foo-fighters, darting back and forth above the jungle canopy, as they had been on a thousand other nights in this hellish land. They were always there.
At 2:09 PM,
Arthur said…
When all is said and done, Alfred is not a bad sort really. He has donned his uniform and put his life on the line for the rest of us and is left with this dreadful and painful memory as a result. The least one can do, if indeed one has the ability, is to offer redemption so that for the remainder of his life, he has no weight on his shoulders left to carry. We owe it to him. In fact I feel another blessing welling up. Alfred, kneel while I place my hand upon your head:
"In the eyes of the Lord, you are but a child who has walked the path of blindness and has finally reached the Light. Go forth my friend and carry the word of the Lord's forgiveness into thy soul. For thy vision restored, you shall bear the crux of righteousness into the bosom of humanity and carry the word of Your Saviour, Arthur the Blogger, unto eternity".
You may now rise Alfred and enjoy the rest of the day. And I'm sorry I had to use a naughty word, b*som, in that prayer.
At 2:17 PM,
Arthur said…
"Personally, being straight as an arrow, I can do without the homo-erotic stuff such as Alfred posted."
Hi Dodgy,
This is disturbing stuff. Its like people who say, "I've nothing against gay people but.......".
Now, if you had said, "I've nothing against people like Alfred but....." we would have understood. Perfectly.
By the way, do you find me sardonic? Pardon my asking but Mickeymous says I am and I just wondered cos I always thought till now it was a type of salad dressing
and I didn't know you could be it. Sardonic, that is. Is it found in Sardinia?
At 9:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sardonic. Bitterly sarcastic. Which doesn't really fit you, because I think a lot of your more bilious statements are pretty much contrived for gratuitous shock value. They lack...the conviction of genuine sardonicism.
There's something to be said for subtlety; its barbs work their way in slowly, over time, and begin to fester.
This is disturbing stuff. Its like people who say, "I've nothing against gay people but.......".
Actually, it's nothing of the sort, but of course it's in your advantage to suggest something along those lines, since you need to contrive your day's ration of bitter black bile. In simpler terms, I was saying, "Being straight, I derive no pleasure from looking at another man's gizmo."
Now, a snapshot of an aging Gloria Leonard sitting on Orson Welle's face - that would an entirely different ball game.
At 3:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
He [Richie Boylan] doesn't want us to say "aliens" but instead "star people". WTF is up with that?
"Star People," I think, is "PC" on an intergalactic scale. Using the term "aliens" indicates "strange, or foreign." Yet, how "strange" or "foreign" can they be if they have been butt-probing us, sucking out our gametes, poking embryos in, taking embryos out, for decades? I mean, my neighbor does that stuff all the time - especially the buggery and the sucking out the gametes part - yet he always says "hello" when I see him out in the yard, and sometimes I give his dog bones from my barbecue.
Clearly, when the Star People probe our arses, they are doing it for our own good. And so is Richard Boylan. So bend over, and thank your lucky stars.
At 7:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Diogenes said...
More subtle forms of torture hadn't worked. Still the young man wouldn't speak.
They burned him in sensitive spots with the glowing coal of a Swisher Sweet. He recoiled in pain, but he didn't speak. They tied a loop of green string around his scrotum, and tightened it by degrees--he flinched in pain, the sweat ran down his naked body, and the acrid miasma of nuoc mam exuding from his pores filled the darkened hut, yet he remained silent. Either he was retarded, or the Viet Kong had trained him very well.
"Take a break," Al, the Captain said. This isn't workin'.
"Yes sir," said Al, glad to be free for a moment of the hideous task at hand. He stepped outside the hut, lit a smoke, and wandered out to the middle of the compound, where the remains of a small fire still burned in a makeshift pit. He sighed, and looked up at the sky. They were there, the foo-fighters, darting back and forth above the jungle canopy, as they had been on a thousand other nights in this hellish land. They were always there.
Damn you Diogenes, it's as if you traveled back in time [the way Whitley Streiber gets to do in Secret School] and you shared Alfred Lehmberg's consciousness on that muggy fishy-smelling night.
One of those foo-fighters took him, the way they were taking him since he was in his crib. Who could he tell though? His superior, the Captain who made him carry out his homoerotic tortures on the small-membered yellow men? Fuck no! The Captain would have bent his young Lieutenant over and rammed him right in from their grunt draftees.
All the confused and hurting young aviator could do was hope for the next day when he'd ascend into the sky again, under his own terms, where he was calm and at home once again, well, except for the flak those yellow commie mofos were sending up his way.
At 7:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Arthur said to me...When all is said and done, Alfred is not a bad sort really. He has donned his uniform and put his life on the line for the rest of us and is left with this dreadful and painful memory as a result. The least one can do, if indeed one has the ability, is to offer redemption so that for the remainder of his life, he has no weight on his shoulders left to carry. We owe it to him. In fact I feel another blessing welling up. Alfred, kneel while I place my hand upon your head:
"In the eyes of the Lord, you are but a child who has walked the path of blindness and has finally reached the Light. Go forth my friend and carry the word of the Lord's forgiveness into thy soul. For thy vision restored, you shall bear the crux of righteousness into the bosom of humanity and carry the word of Your Saviour, Arthur the Blogger, unto eternity".
You may now rise Alfred and enjoy the rest of the day. And I'm sorry I had to use a naughty word, b*som, in that prayer.
You know Arthur, What I just don't get is how these haters that post their shit about you just cannot understand the kind of universal love and forgiveness you offer not just Alfred, but all of us sinners!
I'm now approaching a potential turning point. And that is to accept you-Arthur as my Personal Savior. I think my spiritual searching has found that final answer.
At 10:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
"I'm now approaching a potential turning point. And that is to accept you-Arthur as my Personal Savior. I think my spiritual searching has found that final answer."
Oh, Jeezus H. Fucking Anti-Christo! More signs of the Apocalypse...
(pretty funny, though, in a kind of sardinian salad dressing way)
At 9:48 AM,
Arthur said…
Be hushed bretheren, be hushed. Let the calming light of happiness abound in your soul as you walk the path of comradship and achieve a settled bowel. Bless you all.
At 3:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Amen, brutha!
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