Update UFO UpDates

UFO UpDates is the leading Ufological Mailing List on the Internet. This blog is a snide swipe bitch fest at some of the characters and threads that come up on the List. Visitors here are encouraged to be indescribably rude and abusive about Updates posters. You can subscribe to Updates at ufoupdates@virtuallystrange.net and join in the fun.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I think I might Have Made A Mistake

The mistake I am referring to is the assumption that most people are relatively normal.

Before I go any further, let me acknowledge that I know I am now officially picking on Kathy Kasten. Just to redress the balance, immediately after I put this up, I’ll post something nasty about somebody else.

But I am now coming to the conclusion that Kathy Kasten is, well, odd. You mean odder than I have already painted her out to be? Yes. How?

Nice of you to ask Artie but it goes like this. Yesterday on Updates, besides the other shit she posted, she put this up:


Review Of Good's New Book

UFOs, The Military and Intelligence
by Timothy Good
Sidgwick and Jackson

The subject of UFOs has always been a controversial affair. Far too many enthusiasts end up joining fringe groups or cults. Today, serious research is performed by only a handful of researchers willing to communicate and discuss the subject with academics or those charged with watching our skies. Two decades ago Timothy Good researched and wrote Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up.

It goes on. What she has done is to take the press release on the book and post it on Updates as a book review.

This is about as helpful as a horse crapping on an IPod. There isn’t any point.

If you’re going to submit a review on a book, put in one you’ve written yourself, you silly cow.

This woman is an idiot.


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