It is very difficult to get your head around the sort of mindset that would want to write the rubbish that is currently lying below this entry. It is clearly obvious that Arthur is someone who writes just for the sake of hearing his own voice in print and there is a strong suspicion that as the views are so off center that, unless he is mentally deficient, then he has simply posted this garbage for the sake of causing controversy. That doesn’t take a great intellect or very much of anything really. If the truth be told, he’s coming over as a bit of a pathetic bastard.
Gender should be absolutely irrelevant except in the obvious walks of life, such as reproduction for example, where it is obviously essential. Beyond that, is there really any point in highlighting someone’s sex? You could argue that in areas of life where either for cultural reasons or for reasons of bias, women have been traditionally poorly represented that when women do break through that barrier then it is worthy of comment. The problem is that then, men can then sound very patronising. I do however feel that Ufology is one such area where although women have certainly not been excluded, they have nevertheless been thin on the ground. I think therefore that the achievements of both Lesley and Regan should be lauded because they have “burst through”, achieved recognition, and have possibly laid the groundwork for others to follow. After all, what’s not to like? What exactly is Arthur’s problem? Lesley provides an excellent news service mixed with entertaining comment on focussed media matters while Regan has perhaps gone for a broader and more in depth writing style that reflects her intellect and insight.
If Regan or Lesley have in any way been discouraged by Arthur’s rantings then they should be ashamed of themselves; the man is a moron and his views are toilet fodder.
Gender should be absolutely irrelevant except in the obvious walks of life, such as reproduction for example, where it is obviously essential. Beyond that, is there really any point in highlighting someone’s sex? You could argue that in areas of life where either for cultural reasons or for reasons of bias, women have been traditionally poorly represented that when women do break through that barrier then it is worthy of comment. The problem is that then, men can then sound very patronising. I do however feel that Ufology is one such area where although women have certainly not been excluded, they have nevertheless been thin on the ground. I think therefore that the achievements of both Lesley and Regan should be lauded because they have “burst through”, achieved recognition, and have possibly laid the groundwork for others to follow. After all, what’s not to like? What exactly is Arthur’s problem? Lesley provides an excellent news service mixed with entertaining comment on focussed media matters while Regan has perhaps gone for a broader and more in depth writing style that reflects her intellect and insight.
If Regan or Lesley have in any way been discouraged by Arthur’s rantings then they should be ashamed of themselves; the man is a moron and his views are toilet fodder.
At 4:00 AM,
The Odd Emperor said…
I completely agree with you on one or two points. Lesley and Regan (or anyone else for that matter) should never let another person discourage them. That kind of power shouldn’t be bestowed upon someone else, no matter how rude or insulting they might become.
I also agree on your basic point regarding gender bias (with an extension into racial or cultural bias.) That kind of thing has no place outside the grade school playground and even there it needs to be crushed with impunity. People need to face the fact that not everyone is going to be exactly like themselves and it’s in our differences that we find real strength. I might point out too that where women have enjoyed parity with men, both groups and the system as a whole have benefited. People who display bias based on gender, physical appearance, or even opinion are simply putting their own fears on display. We are defined by what we hate.
I think Lesley and Regan are doing some good things in UFOlogy. It’s my hope that the y continue to do good things and enhance a field which is sourly in need of some help.
Of course, the ironic thing? The post I’m commenting on was probably meant as an anonymous *comment* but someone slipped. Are we seeing the real author of these posts?
At 7:51 PM,
Old Gary said…
I've been wondering about Arthur's nationality. He has used the following words in his posts: bugger, spanner, dink.
Are these words common in the States? I don't think so.
Britain? Canada? Australia?
Just wondering.
At 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
LMMFAO Arthur!
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