Grin and Bare it
Some words of comfort for Mr. Kimball who is currently stretched tight on a rack over at Updates and having his innards played with; it will all end well.
Mr. Reynolds went through a far worse process than you are currently going through and came out the other side with his reputation enhanced. It was only the actions of the lobotomised children that he had with him to keep himself company that threw the wagon off the track again.
Having had to endure the dryness and tedium of the Heflin exchanges, the List has revolted and decided to go for a cycle of emotion instead. The phase will pass, like everything does and another old case will come under the microscope or someone else will say something that gets everyone’s thermometer rising. Not much fun of course if you happen to be at the center of it all, so thanks for being the patsy this time round Paul.
Having said that, they are lining up at the shooting gallery somewhat. What do you do? Paul has four choices;
1. Ignore it and not respond at all. That way it dies very quickly.
2. Fight back hard, matching insult for insult.
3. Reply but in a calm and friendly manner, so undermining any malevolence or spite.
4. Throw your hands up, admit you were wrong and shrug your shoulders.
At the moment, Paul has gone for number 2, an understandable response. Trouble is, it prolongs the whole episode and can get very bitter and personal. But there are advantages to this because this sort of exchange does in the end induce a higher form of intimacy and yes, even respect at the end of it all.
If you’ve been following the Mckinnon extravaganza, which option do you think Paul should take?
Mr. Reynolds went through a far worse process than you are currently going through and came out the other side with his reputation enhanced. It was only the actions of the lobotomised children that he had with him to keep himself company that threw the wagon off the track again.
Having had to endure the dryness and tedium of the Heflin exchanges, the List has revolted and decided to go for a cycle of emotion instead. The phase will pass, like everything does and another old case will come under the microscope or someone else will say something that gets everyone’s thermometer rising. Not much fun of course if you happen to be at the center of it all, so thanks for being the patsy this time round Paul.
Having said that, they are lining up at the shooting gallery somewhat. What do you do? Paul has four choices;
1. Ignore it and not respond at all. That way it dies very quickly.
2. Fight back hard, matching insult for insult.
3. Reply but in a calm and friendly manner, so undermining any malevolence or spite.
4. Throw your hands up, admit you were wrong and shrug your shoulders.
At the moment, Paul has gone for number 2, an understandable response. Trouble is, it prolongs the whole episode and can get very bitter and personal. But there are advantages to this because this sort of exchange does in the end induce a higher form of intimacy and yes, even respect at the end of it all.
If you’ve been following the Mckinnon extravaganza, which option do you think Paul should take?
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
#2 is best for media types such as Paul. They thrive on controversy.
For the rest of us, #1 would be the right way to go. Why waste your life trying to convince people who cannot be convinced?
#3 does not work on UFOUpdates.
#4 is rarely done by folk at UFOUpdates because everyone thinks they are right and anyway you can't afford to lose credibility that way.
Odd the anti-American tendencies of the UFOUpdates subscribers, or at least the most vocal ones. Makes one think that only strident liberals are interested in UFOs.
At 11:02 AM,
Paul Kimball said…
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At 12:25 PM,
Old Gary said…
My opinion of certain so-called UFO analysts has declined by their support of a law breaker like Mckinnon. And their anti-Bush mindset makes me wonder if they have the objectivity to analyse their way out of a wet paper bag.
At 12:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Glad you are dropping the whole thing. It takes alot of time fighting these fist shaking folk.....time better spent making some documentary money. Hopefully UFOUpdates can move on to more productive topics...but doubtful given the few productive folk there.
Old Gary:
Don't judge all the UFO analysts by the vocal few anti-Bush-ers. These guys have big chips on their shoulders. I think most of them are the same folk that buy exopolitics or "disclosure". Basically, they blame the government for the continued UFO enigma and consider the government almost at the level of criminals for this behavior. Protecting an obvious ridiculous law breaker as McKinnon is a logical next step. Thank God the US government has the right flypaper (or ant hotels?) to catch these and others like him.
At 2:56 PM,
Kyle said…
Howdy Mr. UUOU -
Rich Reynolds' reputation enhanced? I really don't need to read another word of your posts if this passes for editorial accuracy here. His reputation is non-existent, save for that of a severely attention-deprived childish bore. This is not my opinion and I had no part in creating that reputation. It is reflected in myriad posts at Updates by myriad Listers who don't even necessarily agree with EACH OTHER!
He did his best to make enemies, damning by faint praise and just plain damning. To assess "blame" on his ne'er do well hangers-on like Chris Jay is simply dishonest and factually inaccurate.
Rich read evey post at the R-cubed blog before publication if we are to believe him, so he gave tacit approval for all the brainless invective hurled therefrom. And much of it was under his byline. And of course we don't know if those Ne'er do wells even exist at all outside Rich's imagination.
Reynolds has several enemies outside Ufology...and INSIDE Ft. Wayne. I trust that they know him better than most. Google Mr. Reynolds sometime and see how "enhanced" his reputation really is.
Your posts are insulting, inconsiderate, reflective of a lack of cogent argumentative foundation, and clearly designed to provide an outlet for your somewhat mean-spirited opinions. Which I suppose explains why you choose not to attach your name to them. Very predictable, that. Very safe. W00t!
One of your posts is titled in part, "...Act like a man". Hmmm, perhaps the author should take his/her own advice? At present, your behavior is neither manly nor ladylike, but simply uncivil.
Also, the color scheme you have chosen is quite appropriate. It reflects the general reaction I imagine many have after reading your for the Pepto-Bismol! LOL
Update UFO Updates? Soon...and best...forgotten.
I really hoped it was a blog meant to encourage Updates to move its format and design into the later part of the 20th century, with which I would have little disagreement. Alas, no.
Ah well, so much for books and covers.
At 3:24 PM,
Alfred Lehmberg said…
Mr. Kimball currently endures his own concrescence as is just and appropriate at present, so he is expected to hold the self-interested positions to which he grasps. He's criticized elsewhere.
But Gary, with respect, And Mr. Anon, with respect usually tendered to persons who don't take responsibility for an identity... this kind of talk has a polite table just looking down at empty plates in embarrassment.
That said... _impeach_ Bush and try for War crimes (I'm a veteran and a career Army Officer so let's discuss love of country and maturity of same).
And Rich Reynolds... an entirely despicable person, in my opinion, who caused me such pain of outrage that I suspect he contributed to my last stroke. Impeach and try for war crimes, too.
On McKinnon... I'm really only interested in punishment fitting the crime... beyond that (after you've considered John Ford) and on another level, McKinnon should perhaps be given a medal for exposing chicanery, unmasking fraud, and whistle-blowing on criminal incompetence... or... showing us that we may not be served in a manner that would be _expected_...(given the dollar outlay) ...also forgetting how GB has been made a political vassal of an illegitimate US? I understand there some ENRON guys over there facing extradition... what's Mr. Kimball's position on them?
Kyle! Dude! You're holding back! Tell me what you're really feelin'! Don't keep it bottled up hoss! Let it go! LOL!
AVG Blog --
At 3:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 2:05 AM,
LesleyinNM said…
Where could you possibly come up with Reynold's reputation being enhanced? That must be my laugh of the week.
At 2:10 AM,
LesleyinNM said…
Another thought - maybe Arthur is Reynolds. I can't imagine anyone but RR himself thinking his reputation was enhanced.
At 9:58 AM,
The Odd Emperor said…
Why am I reminded of this—? ;)
At 11:58 AM,
Alfred Lehmberg said…
Yes, Mr. Pettingill, as I recall you squandered that tiny shred of idiosyncratic credit in _record_ short order. Good work. You are reminded of same, Sir, because that's what knee-walking dim-bulbs with small imagination and smaller sentience _do_, nes't ce pas? No points awarded for whining to me about it, right?
So, buckle-up 'punkin. As ye sew, so SHALL ye... eh?
Sincerely, it's not for you to dispense your *wisdom* fortune-cookie style to the hoi-poloi; you don't have the chops. You don't get to smirk and sneer unopposed; you're overdrawn at the idiosyncratic bank. You don't get a free ride... your ticket's invalid...
With regard to spelling? Tend the beam in your own eye before you fret the mote in mine... 'K? 'K.
TTFN, Mr. Pettingill...
AVG Blog --
At 12:51 PM,
The Odd Emperor said…
You call my imagination small! I am insulted!
I'd be happy to remember Al, jest you member that “when he points -one- finger of ignorant accusation, he invariably points -three- back at himself.”
Who said that exactly?
But you are correct sirrah, sending a nugget of wisdom your way is the last thing on my mind. It's a pointless exercise as you’ve so capably demonstrated, over and over again.
The Odd Emperor
At 3:13 PM,
Alfred Lehmberg said…
...and will likely continue to do so, Mr. Pettingill, hence my admonition to buckle-up.
You know, ordinarily the pointing accuser does put the spot on himself. Surpassing my small capacity, I suspect that's what you are about... a churlish little toady with a persecution complex wailing and bemoaning when his tormentors cease *abusing* him, a similar explication out-gassed when they revisit *abusing* him. Small imagination, yes... small.
Still able to perform one hell of a cultural disservice though. That's something. You can be proud of that. Yep.
Nighty-nite folks, I'm going out and drink exactly four beers. I'll have the last one for you, Mr. Pettingill. I'll try to propose a little toast... ...somthing along the lines of being a real good example of a bad example... ...and thanks so much for the illustration of same. Well know what it looks like, then, so we know we can go confidently in the other direction.
Thanks, though still no respect.
AVG Blog --
At 2:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Since Paul Kimball is the topic - Has anyone had his ears innundated with the voice of Mr. Kimball? I heard him on Rense and Coast. Besides giving the thumbs up or down about other investigators and promoting his cow film or ufo film and being Nova Scotia's top selling Avon representative; he has the mesmerizing voice of angel: high,reedy,effeminate,slyph-like. And his voice exquisitely fits his appearance which resembles a vaguely male bald albino.
At 6:23 AM,
Alfred Lehmberg said…
Mr. Anon...
At the risk of assuming the abundantly odious task of defending Mr. Kimball... ...these sorts of comments sincerely have a polite table staring at their plates in shamed embarrassment. They are juvenile, largely inaccurate, and dumb. There is much with regard to Mr. Kimball that can be decried. His appearance, voice quality, and sexuality are not among them, and are in fact observations so ridiculous that they ironically provide a support for him and his glib explications (check his tedious case files slyly reminding us that he is an award winning, if non-practicing barrister) ...that remains largely undeserved.
Let us have no more of this, eh? Unless, of course, you do wish to provide him support? Then, at least, have the courtesy to use something that can be confronted more directly.
AVG Blog --
At 7:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, can I hear the sound of sucking. Mr. Kimball is teabagging you Mr. Lemberg; for all to see on the right side of his --
" Paul Kimball, a serious filmmaker with his own production company... has produced some engaging and instructive documentary films... It remains that this writer's gut-sense advises that Kimball is legitimately trying to shoot straight-down-the-middle on the issues." -Alfred Lehmberg
At 12:03 PM,
Alfred Lehmberg said…
Yeah -- I've demanded he take it down... that's old news and equally old gut produced that comment. It's interesting to note that he has since repudiated the DOCs reviewed that provoked the comment, and I have since written:
"Astonishing, Mr. Kimball!
This was at first blush when you still had a dew of innocence on your lily... ...It is beyond belief that you would use this quote now when so much water has passed the bridge... as has been made ABUNDANTLY obvious in the interim... ...that was then... SIR!
...In that interim there are the leaders you would insult, the benefactors you would betray, the friends you would attack, the persons you would despoil, and contemporaries you would deride. In that interim are your smirks and sneers and snide reportages. In that interim are your intellectual shallownesses, your acerbic biases, and your constipated cant-ages . In that interim are you not revealed for what I believe you to be, Sir, a line-walking fraud, a clever dissembler, and a ufological malefactor... my opinion of course!
Why, using this quote, itself, when the exact opposite is apparent and indicated is proof enough of my outraged contentions, Mr. Kimball! Good show!
...Request you remove it at once."
I've no idea what being "teabagged" means. Is that like being sand-bagged... but by a lite-weight?
AVG Blog --
At 10:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
lol Miss Kimball has not taken down your endorsement as of this writing.
At 5:26 AM,
Alfred Lehmberg said…
No one can be less surprised than me...
"Miss" Kimball is a ludicrous appellation M. ano... what's up with that? Is that your fantasy? Do you think of Carl Rove in prison and get all sweaty?
AVG Blog --
At 1:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
lol Oh, right you are Lemberg. Kimball is a mans man. ahem. He's laying the smack down on you, again, in his latest blog.
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