Update UFO UpDates

UFO UpDates is the leading Ufological Mailing List on the Internet. This blog is a snide swipe bitch fest at some of the characters and threads that come up on the List. Visitors here are encouraged to be indescribably rude and abusive about Updates posters. You can subscribe to Updates at ufoupdates@virtuallystrange.net and join in the fun.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Very Grumpy Old Man

Just how much weight and allowance does one have to make for someone's distinguished Ufological career when their present day behaviour is so obnoxious?

I can only be referring to but one person, the great and good Dick Hall. The man behaves like a graceless moron, with all the subtelty and tact of an gorilla. Despite his protestations otherwise, these days he sees fit to jump in and offer opinions about things he hasn't read (Condign Report - "I read the Executive summary and that was enough for me") and the manner and style of his postings to the List are abrupt, rude, and about as worthwhile as a donkey's turd.

None. That is the answer to my question in my first paragraph. I am tired of the sycophancy shown towards him, tired of his attitude, tired of him quite frankly. You're not the only one Dick to have been knifed in the back in old age. Others have far worse problems.


  • At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    But you'll continue to read him like a bad addiction...why?

    "Others have far worse problems."



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