Update UFO UpDates

UFO UpDates is the leading Ufological Mailing List on the Internet. This blog is a snide swipe bitch fest at some of the characters and threads that come up on the List. Visitors here are encouraged to be indescribably rude and abusive about Updates posters. You can subscribe to Updates at ufoupdates@virtuallystrange.net and join in the fun.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Now I’m Going To Get Really Nasty

It’s about time I dived into the comments that people have been leaving behind and started to pull one or two of them apart.

“Interestingly, I've received far more private e-mails in support of my position on………”. This happens to be taken from Paul Kimball in the comments below but really it’s irrelevant. I’ve heard it from so many other people in relation to so many different threads that it has now become a trigger for me.

So, let’s see, I put up a controversial posting on UpDates that gets all the old VND’s foaming at the mouth, I get lots of flak, and privately, I get lots of messages of support. I choose to reinterpret those last words as, “I get lots of messages of support from lame brains who haven’t got the balls to post those wonderful messages up on the List themselves and who just lurk. They make no contribution because they are scared shitless that if they do, other people will be nasty to them or will laugh at them. Someone might even say very loudly, “BOO””. They are not messages of support; they are postings from the scared and spineless.

I have noticed that Regan Lee has become very stressed over the fact that some people might think she is the author of this blog. I am happy to confirm that she is not. Regan mentions her inability yet again, to actually get a posting accepted on Updates. She is not alone. It’s not rocket science boys and girls. You might trip up once or twice maybe but it hardly requires a college degree. Those of you who have had this problem could just try, only for a minute or so, to stop being so stupid.

Old Gary says; “Don't judge all the UFO analysts by the vocal few anti-Bush-ers. These guys have big chips on their shoulders. I think most of them are the same folk that buy exopolitics or "disclosure" “. Geez, Its enough to make you weep. The anit-Busher’s Old Gary are the ones with brains and the ability to think and discriminate. The charms of Dr Salla are the very last place you will find them. Do you have a grasp of politics and, for that matter, Ufology? Or life?

I don’t know if the hedonistic life style has affected Kyle’s brain with resulting short term memory problems but if he could just for a moment stop half way through his hissing fit and take the palm of his right hand and ram it hard against the side of his head, then that just might jog his memory about the brief but nevertheless extremely interesting Ufological career of Rich Reynolds. There was a point, my little cherub, when after all the initial anti Reynolds hysteria had died down the first time round, when even people like Jerry Clark were saying, “Thank you Rich” for information provided and so on and so forth. It’s just that when you hate someone you’ve never met so much that the red mist in front of your eyes turns to a brown hazy color, then remembering anything becomes a major mental effort (Alfred excused). Of course it couldn’t last, not with his pathology, but that blue period did exist for a while. If you’re going to bother reading this you lot, read it properly. In particular Kyle, try the small print at the very top under the Blog Header. This is exactly what it says on the packet, as you have now discovered. If you want some semi intellectual de/reconstruction, go and do it yourself. If you can.

Odd Emperor and Alfred, keep going at it boys. Gloves?

And finally, to all those of you who have been so insulted by the above that you have vowed never to return, I firstly say good riddance - this blog is only for those who can take it. And I know you’ll keep peeping anyway. And secondly, as I hate people as it is………………………………

That crown that Rich Reynolds vacated is mine.


  • At 6:06 AM, Blogger Alfred Lehmberg said…

    Uhh -- better have is _gassed_ dude; best to put it on a shelf and never admit to having had it on your head, eh?

    Better yet? Throw the *crown* away on the toxic heap and never mention it or "R" Cubed again. "R" was doing nothing that wasn't done before in the aggregate, didn't do it as well, and contributed nothing but to the aggregate unbravery and general scurrilous-ness with regard to it. In my opinion... ...of course.

    ...and, along those lines, I figure he owes me about 100 grand for pain and suffering, an egregiously libelous slander, and communicating lasting falsehoods to law enforcement about me... I'm willing to make a settlement. He should offer one thereby excluding the activities of vulpine ambulance chasers...


    That said... I shan't abide any celebration of "R"s contribution (which doesn't exist) or his character (which is _insectile_, imo, all respect to _real_ insects).

    Not speaking for Jerry Clark? I suspect he would agree.

    Thanks for yet another opportunity to nuke "R" from orbit along with that pretentious nit-wit OE who, shrewd social commentator that HE is, indicated I asked for it. I suspect Mr. Pettingill thinks rape victims "ask for it" too. He must!

    Oh and while I have you on the horn -- stay off Richard Hall's ass, eh? Despite the very costly betrayals of government, agency, and institution? Hall keeps his head back and remains to be one of the few providing real back-bone to the most "startling story not being told" there is. A story, I add, that I suspect is at the root of _all_ the more prosaic (if horrific still!) stories _not_ being told, eh? He's more than earned the right to be nasty to the rest of us, and I'm not excluded.

    AVG Blog -- http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/

  • At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is hysterical -- a gossip column for the Caesars. Fun! It’s got the requisite truthiness, too.

  • At 10:11 AM, Blogger Alfred Lehmberg said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 12:30 PM, Blogger Old Gary said…

    You quoted me as saying:

    "Don't judge all the UFO analysts by the vocal few anti-Bushers. These guys have big chips on their shoulders. I think most of them are the same folk that buy exopolitics or disclosure."

    Sorry, but someone named Anonymous said that in response to what I actually said:

    "My opinion of certain so-called UFO analysts has declined by their support of a law breaker like Mckinnon. And their anti-Bush mindset makes me wonder if they have the objectivity to analyse their way out of a wet paper bag."

    I might add that I think Paul Kimball makes more sense than most of the UFools at Ufool Updates.

  • At 1:19 PM, Blogger Alfred Lehmberg said…

    I think that's an illusion of sense only, OG, but I can understand your feelings given Mr. Kimball's adroit glibness, political disingenuous, and meteoric rise (get the joke?), how you could feel that way.

    Mr. Kimball's inveterate anthropomorphism is couched in a homo-centric conceptual feel-good masquerading as what is proud and comfortable to hear. In short, he says what makes him the most comfortable and derides the rest as heresy with no small enmity.

    Listen and read between the lines, Hoss. There's a whole different message... in my considered opinion of course.

    ...You are most assuredly welcome to yours ,Sir. No harm no foul as far as you are concerned.

    AVG Blog -- http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/

  • At 9:37 PM, Blogger Paul Kimball said…


    "They are not messages of support; they are postings from the scared and spineless."

    One could make the same assertion about someone who offers snarky comments behind the shield of anonymity... couldn't they? "Scared and spineless" indeed.

    I prefer to call it the quiet majority. :-)

    Keep up the amusing work.


  • At 12:27 AM, Blogger LesleyinNM said…

    Thanks Arthur! Kimball and I are for once in total agreement. I guess blogs really can bring people together! Peace and love all!

  • At 8:45 AM, Blogger The Odd Emperor said…

    For once Al and I are in agreement. Rich Reynolds (and the rest of his teenagers at the RRgroup) went way beyond the pale in that pissing contest. Trying to emulate a character like that is not only useless “Art” it’s pathetic, moronic, foolish, irrational, preposterous and about one hundred other adjectives far less polite. If you truly want Rich’s crown it’s yours for the taking —with my utter contempt.

    Your motives “Arthur” on the other foot are perfectly clear. (Odd Emperor and Alfred, keep going at it boys. Gloves?) I tip my hat to ya "Art," it’s quite a brilliant bit of trolling, but, I suppose you can see that already. I

    And Al, I don’t know about you, I love a good debate, probably more than the next man but don’t you feel just a little bit manipulated? It’s your choice and it takes two to tango. But, don’t care to go at it because the Queen Bee wants us to. I’m better than that and I suspect you are too.

    Lesley? What can I say? Very well said!

    The Odd Emperor

  • At 9:51 AM, Blogger Alfred Lehmberg said…

    _Queen_ Bee?

    Mr. Pettingill, our little tempest preceded this Blog... ...it will likely endure past its demise. Your appeal for collegiality is noted however. You behave. I'll behave.

    Good God, Lesley! What have you wrought?

    AVG Blog -- http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/


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