Update UFO UpDates

UFO UpDates is the leading Ufological Mailing List on the Internet. This blog is a snide swipe bitch fest at some of the characters and threads that come up on the List. Visitors here are encouraged to be indescribably rude and abusive about Updates posters. You can subscribe to Updates at ufoupdates@virtuallystrange.net and join in the fun.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Thank the f..............

that Updates returned and returned fairly quickly too 'cos I tell you, I was that close to slashing my wrists. I mean, where would we be without the usual load of old windbags, off list shennanigans, posturing, chest thumping, dull ass aching, ear splitting nonsense that we have all come to lerve. That's actually easy to answer. We'd all be off leading wholesome lives, trying to get it off with the neighbour's dog while popping large volumes of E.

Personally, I'd be picking my nose a lot more too. But that's just me.


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